

The Athalon UT610 filter by LubeTeam Hydraulic is a cutting-edge filtration system designed to provide maximum protection in fluid systems. With a flow rate of up to 1140 L/min and pressures up to 10 bar, it is compatible with a wide range of fluids. Characterized by a BetaX(C)=2000 filtration efficiency, it ensures exceptional performance in all operating conditions. Equipped with robust construction materials and an innovative filter element, the Athalon UT610 filter is ideal for industrial applications that demand reliability and durability.


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The Athalon UT610 filter represents a significant innovation in the field of filtration systems, providing an unprecedented level of sustained protection for fluid systems in all applications. This filter is characterized by excellent filtration efficiency, with a BetaX(C)=2000 rating according to ISO 16889, making it the highest-performing filter available today.

Features and Specifications of Athalon UT610 Filter:

  • Flow and Pressure: The Athalon UT610 filter can handle flows up to 1140 L/min (300 US gpm) and pressures up to 10 bar (145 psi), making it suitable for a wide range of industrial applications.
  • Fluid Compatibility: This filter is compatible with all petroleum-based oils and most water glycols, water-oil emulsions, and synthetic hydraulic and lubrication fluids.
  • Temperature Range: The filter can operate in a temperature range from -29 ˚C to 120 ˚C (-20 ˚F to 248 ˚F), with a maximum of 60 ˚C (140 ˚F) in HWCF or water glycol fluids.
  • Bypass Valve: Available with or without an anti-backflow valve, the bypass valve has a configuration of 3.4 bard (50 psid) or 1.7 bard (25 psid).
  • Construction Materials: The filter is constructed with head, cover, and tube in aluminum, ensuring robustness and durability.
  • Filter Element: The filter element is made of inorganic fibers impregnated and bonded with epoxy resins, with polymer endcaps and anti-static media design.
  • Innovative Features: The Athalon UT610 filter includes a patented Ultipleat (laid-over pleat) filter medium pack and Pall Stress-Resistant Technology (SRT) media, along with a coreless filter element configuration and low clean differential pressure for low-energy operation.
  • Advantages: This filter keeps fluids cleaner for longer, offering exceptional value. It provides consistent and reliable protection of system components throughout the life of the filter element, rapidly achieving and maintaining the required cleanliness of the fluid system, and maximizing filter capacity in the smallest footprint possible.


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