
HLP050 Oil Purifier

Leveraging more than 30 years of design and field experience, Pall delivers the third in its family of HLP series fluid conditioning purifiers: the HLP50 Oil Purifier.

The HLP series combines the water removal performance of mass transfer purifiers with high reliability and ease-of-use to help ensure maximum equipment uptime and lowest cost of ownership. This enables you to focus on your process, not on your equipment.

The Pall HLP series purifiers feature an innovative new vacuum tower design that maximizes water removal efficiency.

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HLP050 Oil Purifier

Leveraging more than 30 years of design and field experience, Pall delivers the third in its family of HLP series fluid conditioning purifiers: the HLP50 Oil Purifier.

The HLP series combines the water removal performance of mass transfer purifiers with high reliability and ease-of-use to help ensure maximum equipment uptime and lowest cost of ownership. This enables you to focus on your process, not on your equipment.

The Pall HLP series purifiers feature an innovative new vacuum tower design that maximizes water removal efficiency.


Maximum Reliability, Lower Cost of Ownership

HLP series purifiers are designed for maximum uptime and have proven themselves in the field with industry-leading utilization rates even in the most demanding and continuousduty applications.

The HLP50 uses specially selected components to help ensure maximum reliability and lower cost of ownership. These premium components include:

  • Best-in-class Allen Bradley PLC
  • Reliable Elmo Rietschle vacuum pump with 12-month service interval

Controlling the dissolved as well as the free water in the reservoir is critical in ensuring the absence of free water during operation. With the Pall HLP50 purifier, this is done efficiently, easily, and reliably. The diagram below illustrates the concept.


Ease of Use

The HLP50 series offers the following features to increase versatility in service and lower cost of ownership:

  • Low maintenance
  • Able to work with wide range of oil viscosities (3 cSt to 700 cSt)
  • No utility water required for cooling or pump operation— the only utility needed is an electrical power source


Standard Features

Pall HLP series purifiers come with the following standard features that many suppliers charge extra for:

  • Dissolved water sensor (Pall model WS10)
  • Low-watt density heater (30kw output)
  • Condenser with gravity drain


Focus on your Process, Not on your Purifier

HLP Series purifiers require a minimum of user interaction, which allows customers to focus more on their process and less on maintaining and upkeep of their purifier.

The HLP purifier is one of the easiest purifiers to operate. Simply connect the purifier to the reservoir, power up, and press the start button. In fact, many HLP users are able to just “press the button and walk away.”

  • Extended vacuum pump oil change interval—12 months (8760 hours of run time)
  • No water utility for cooling or pump operation


Facilità d’uso

La serie HLP50 offre le seguenti caratteristiche per aumentare la versatilità del servizio e ridurre i costi di gestione:

  • Bassa manutenzione
  • Capacità di lavorare con un’ampia gamma di viscosità dell’olio (da 3 cSt a 700 cSt)
  • Non è necessaria l’acqua per il raffreddamento o il funzionamento della pompa: l’unica utility necessaria è una fonte di alimentazione elettrica.

Caratteristiche standard

I depuratori Pall della serie HLP sono dotati delle seguenti caratteristiche standard che molti fornitori fanno pagare a parte:

  • Sensore di acqua disciolta (Pall modello WS10)
  • Riscaldatore a bassa densità di watt (uscita 30kw)
  • Condensatore con scarico a gravità

Il focus è sul processo, non sul depuratore

I depuratori della serie HLP richiedono un’interazione minima con l’utente, il che consente ai clienti di concentrarsi maggiormente sul processo e meno sulla manutenzione del depuratore.

Il depuratore HLP è uno dei depuratori più semplici da utilizzare. È sufficiente collegare il depuratore al serbatoio, accenderlo e premere il pulsante di avvio. In effetti, molti utenti di HLP sono in grado di “premere il pulsante e andarsene”.

  • Intervallo di sostituzione dell’olio della pompa del vuoto prolungato a 12 mesi (8760 ore di funzionamento).
  • Nessuna utilità dell’acqua per il raffreddamento o il funzionamento della pompa

All copyrights are owned by Pall Corporation


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